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Live & Latest UpdatesPrivate Wealth

Is Your Credit Report Healthy?

In our monthly CAP STRAT Wealth updates, our team presents information on wealth accumulation, planning, and preservation.

Monitoring and maintaining your credit report is a fundamental aspect of financial health – How does your credit report look?

This month, Neil and Carrie offer a credit rating health check. Learn two steps you can take to protect yourself against identity theft and ensure that you have access to the credit you need when you need it.

Neil Davies

Neil Davies, CPWA®

Principal, Director of Private Wealth

Neil is a Certified Private Wealth Advisor® in the firm’s private wealth practice. Learn more about Neil.

Carrie Walters

Carrie Walters Shapiro, CFP®

Private Wealth Associate

Carrie advises individuals and families on various topics related to retirement and wealth accumulation and preservation. Learn more about Carrie.